Balboa Street Project

Balboa Street Project

On Balboa Street, John Benjamin Co. is managing a soft-story seismic upgrade required by law in the city of San Francisco under the Mandatory Soft-story Retrofit Program (MSSP). The project also includes construction of apartment units, and remodeling of existing units in a 34-unit apartment building.

We hired structural and electrical engineers, architects, environmental clean-up and monitoring contractors, and general contractors. All project work was coordinated with the San Francisco Building Department and the city’s Department of Power and Water.

The Balboa Street project allows our project management expertise to come into play. Investors in the Balboa Street building do not have time to manage all of the activities involved in the soft-story upgrade or the apartment remodeling. We play the role of owner-representative on these projects, managing scope of work, accounting, change-orders, and contractors on the job while keeping the building owner apprised of all activities.

Result: ADU construction added a net $1.75M value to the selling price of the building!

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